Homebrew.AT by Amstrad Today, a new Amstrad CPC web site about homebrews
-Amstrad Today, a good site about repairing and upgrading your Amstrad CPC has now a little brother Homebrew.AT (english and french) which is about Amstrad CPC homebrews.
Latest Youtube Videos :
Key: Episode 2 (the)
Mad Mix Game (PCW)
Don't touch my Eggs
Dungeon II
Pepper Buster
Tarzanete de la boca al ajete
Anneau de Zengara (l')
Amstrad Today, a good site about repairing and upgrading your Amstrad CPC has now a little brother Homebrew.AT (english and french) which is about Amstrad CPC homebrews.
Here is a HD video by Metr81 of the Amstrad CPC game La Guerra de Gamber by ESP Soft released on the 30th January 2014 for the 30th anniversary of the Amstrad CPC.
It's a robocop/green beret like game with a horizontal scrolling with 3 levels, and a bonus level like the Prohibition game between each level.
You can download La Guerra de Gamber on Amstrad.ESP.
The principal musical theme was written by McKlain and can be heard on SoundCloud.
Sugarbox is a new Amstrad CPC emulator (beta) for windows. Beware, there are some problems with windows XP SP3, it works without problems on windows 7 or 8.
Ces ordinateurs sont dangereux is a book written by François Quentin about the Amstrad CPC. Long lost, it is now available with the agreement of the author on Amstrad.eu's forum as PDF (Epub link, PDF link, as Amstrad.eu is not up atm). Happy reading ! Thanks to ced64k for his scanning work.
The 6 issues of the newspaper CPC Attack! are available on CPCWiki (in the forum, not in the CPC Attack! page of the site).
These issues went out from June to Novembre 1992, following the defunct Amstrad Computer Use newspaper, those first 14th issues were published directly by Amsoft.
Light Forge is a vertically scrolling shoot them up for Amstrad CPC, C64 and ZX Spectrum, edited by FTL (Faster Than Light) in 1986. A very good game, one of the few I was able to finish on Amstrad CPC in the good old times. Music is written by Ron Hubbard, sadly it is missing from the Amstrad CPC version. So to listen it you will have to go for the C64 version of Light Force on Youtube.
CHAMP is a new assembler and debugger for Amstrad CPC which supports 512 Kb of RAM, programmed intially for Commodore 64, Sinclair Spectrum and BBC micro. Several new features were added 26 years after the initial port on the WinApe emulator, adding the support of 512 Kb of RAM.
The port author is open to new features on the cpcwiki forum.
ScummVM now supports the english version of the game le Manoir de Mortvielle (created by Lankhor) : Mortville Manor.
Kubmic is a new Amstrad CPC puzzle game by les Crackers Velus.
You must match a pattern on the screen, but you can only move a whole verticale or horizontal line. The first puzzle is easy, it's up to you to check the next one (20 puzzle inside).
Vox populi, vox dei, so don't hesitate to go vote on Push'n'Pop about what you consider the best 2013 Amstrad CPC productions.