News about Amstrad CPC, PCW, Notepad NC100 NC150 NC200, PDA600 and also Amstrad PC

CDT2WAV v1.3 by DevilMarkus, an utility to read .WAV on a real Amstrad CPC


A new version (v1.3) of the CDT2WAV utility (windows/linux/mac) by DevilMarkus.

It let you use resulting .WAV on a real CPC with a tape drive or a MP3 player.

For Linux and Mac users, launch the cdt2wav.jar with the following parameters : cdt2wav.jar -Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m (or set all to 256 if you want only 256 Mb max. ram usage).

Humble Bundle : Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams pour windows


You have still 3 days to be able to buy Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams on Humble Bundle (weekly). Nine dollars will be enough to get it, and money goes to charities.

Nice music by the way.

Youtube video

Breaking Baud, an Amstrad CPC demo on tape, 30 years after the CPC 464


Breaking Baud is an Amstad CPC demo made by the groups CRTC and 3LN, which was showed at the Revision demo party 2014.

Code is written by Doz, graphism by Rexbeng and music by McKlain.

This tape demo use a turbo loader to run while it loads (and also to speed up its loading).

Youtube video

Two online Amstrad CPC emulators are updated : JavaCPC and Sugarbox


Two online Amstrad CPC emulators have been updated with bugs corrections and new features :

  • Sugarbox : loading of snapshots (.SNA)
  • JavaCPC : you can load your own disks images files (.DSK), some important keys are F1 - Show some info, F12 - Reset CPC, F2 - Load medium (CDT, DSK, even SNA is possible), F10 - Boot DSK in DF0, F9 - Toggle turbo mode and ALT + Enter - Toggle fullscreen)

Samdisk v3.8 by Simon Owen, Amstrad CPC disks tranfers on PC


SAMdisk v3.8 by Simon Owen is out since the 9th March 2014.

The utility supports transfers between floppy disks and disk images, and is designed to work with almost any soft-sectored disk format compatible with the PC floppy controller, including some copy-protected formats.

Low-level floppy device access requires the fdrawcmd.sys driver to be installed.

Version 3.8, last updated 9th March 2014
- Added support for SuperCard Pro .scp flux disk images (MFM+FM)
- Added --pll option to control PLL method with flux image scanning
- Fixed --head giving ambiguous option error due to typo
- Fixed KBI-19 format slightly overhanging track wrap
- Improved EOT handling of flux images containing just one revolution
- Changed --slow-step to --old-drive to better match usage