Archives of Genesis8 Amstrad Page from 1999 to 2025 about programmation

Soko64+, an Amstrad CPC reflexion game by Marco Spedaletti written in ugBASIC (2024)


ugBASIC by Marco Spedaletti is a compiled basic which works on many computers including the Amstrad CPC(+). In fact this compiler write the code so a program works whatever the features of the targeted computer, a feature which doesnt exist in hardware will be managed by software. For ugBASIC's github it's here, an official Facebook group of ugBASIC and even an ugBASIC forum.

There is also an IDE for ugBASIC v1.17 still by Marco Spedaletti available on Itch.IO for Windows.

Marco wrote in 2024 a Sokoban game : Soko64+, of course in ugBASIC.

Youtube video

ugBASIC and its IDE v1.17 by Marco Spedaletti available


ugBASIC by Marco Spedaletti is a compiled basic which works on many computers including the Amstrad CPC(+). In fact this compiler write the code so a program works whatever the features of the targeted computer, a feature which doesnt exist in hardware will be managed by software. For ugBASIC's github it's here, an official Facebook group of ugBASIC and even an ugBASIC forum.

There is also an IDE for ugBASIC v1.17 still by Marco Spedaletti available on Itch.IO for Windows.

Video of the Benediction Coding Party #4 by Roudoudou


You couldn't come to the Benediction Coding Party #4 meeting well organized as usual by Eliot (Bénédiction) ?

Thanks to our master cook Roudoudou who can master cooking as well as he can use a camera, you will feel you were there if you go look this video on Youtube (see below).

Youtube video

New version of the Amstrad CPC assembler Orgams (GG beta 7)


Orgams is an assembler in ROM for Amstrad CPC, created by Madram, Drill and Hicks. A new version GG beta 7 is available (18th August 2024).

The documentation in french and english is available on Orgams' wiki.

SDCC v4.4.0 (C programming for Amstrad CPC) on PC and MacOS


A new version of the ANSI-C compiler SDCC v4.4.0 is available since the 29th January 2024 for windows, linux and MacOS.

New version of the Amstrad CPC assembler Orgams (GG beta 6)


Orgams is an assembler in ROM for Amstrad CPC, created by Madram, Drill and Hicks. A new version GG beta 6 is available (5th August 2024).

The documentation in french and english is available on Orgams' wiki.

Programming in basic on many computers with ugBASIC by Marco Spedaletti with an IDE (v1.16.2)


ugBASIC by Marco Spedaletti is a compiled basic which works on many computers including the Amstrad CPC(+). In fact this compiler write the code so a program works whatever the features of the targeted computer, a feature which doesnt exist in hardware will be managed by software. For ugBASIC's github it's here, an official Facebook group of ugBASIC and even an ugBASIC forum.

There is also an IDE for ugBASIC v1.16.2 still by Marco Spedaletti available on Itch.IO for Windows.

PCRetroTech, a Youtube channel for Amstrad PC 1512 and 1640 users (and CPC)


PCRetroTech is a recommended Youtube channel if you are interested by the Amstrad PC 1512 (with its 16 colours CGA mode) and PC 1640 (with its plantronics mode). I recommend these videos (there are more of course, the 3rd is also about Amstrad CPC) :

Youtube video

New version of the CPC assembler Orgams 'Flappy Flags' (January 2024)


Orgams is an assembler in ROM for Amstrad CPC, created by Madram, Drill and Hicks. A new version Flappy Flags is available (28th January 2024).

The documentation in french and english is available on Orgams' wiki.

Programming in basic on many computers with ugBASIC by Marco Spedaletti with an IDE


ugBASIC by Marco Spedaletti is a compiled basic which works on many computers including the Amstrad CPC(+). In fact this compiler write the code so a program works whatever the features of the targeted computer, a feature which doesnt exist in hardware will be managed by software. For ugBASIC's github it's here, an official Facebook group of ugBASIC and even an ugBASIC forum.

There is also an IDE for ugBASIC still by Marco Spedaletti available on Itch.IO.

Memoir of Jordan Mechner, already in french and now in english


Replay : Mémoires d'une famille is the history of Jordan Mechner, hist family and the programming of the mythic game Prince of Persia on Apple 2 as a comic.

I was able to buy it directly from Jordan Mechner and I did read voraciously, and I did loan to my mother and other people, all loved it. It's a dive into the history of 20th century in Europe with the Mechner family. The first reading can be difficult because the reading is not linear in time, you jump from one era to another but you really have to hang on because it is simply an extraordinary reading, 320 pages of pure joy, I wished there were more. I rediscovered historical facts through reading it, in addition to discovering the genesis of the Prince of Persia game. And I'll read it again as soon as I get it back from the last person I lent it to.

It is now available in english : Replay, memoir of an uprooted family. Buy it, read it !

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