News about Amstrad CPC, PCW, Notepad NC100 NC150 NC200, PDA600 and also Amstrad PC

The shadows of Sergoth is available, a dungeon crawler for Amstrad CPC


One of the most waited games The Shadows of Sergoth is available as today in no less than 3 languages : french, spanish and english. It's a dungeon crawler game for Amstrad CPC 6128.

One of the programmers, Chris94, did 2 videos of the making off (french with english subtitles) :

A platform Amstrad CPC game by Tomas Penalver : Try to run away, after El Concurso


I saw on Amstrad.ES that Tomas Penalver wrote El Concurso (adventure game). This time still in 2017, he also wrote a platform game : Try to run away.

Arcade Game Designer v0.6 for Amstrad CPC by Jonathan Cauldwell


Arcade Game Designer v0.6 is a windows x64 utility by Jonathan Cauldwell to write games for Timex/Next, ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC, without any knowing of programmation. It also exist directly on these platforms.

There is a forum about AGD.