Targhan has done many things, two are an Amstrad CPC soundtrakker (STarKos) and a PC soundtrakker (Arkos Tracker).
Today the news are good, a teaser for a new version (v2) of Arkos Tracker as an Amstrad CPC intro with a 9 channels music song, a conversion of a Rob Hubbard music. To listen to the 9 channels, you need a PlayCity sound card or an emulator like JavaCPC Desktop (check PlayCity on misc tab of preferences).
Arkos Tracker v2 will feature :
- works on windows, linux and mac
- play both psg and sample sounds
- unlimited channels
- overhauled interface
- 4 effect columns per tracker
- arpeggios and pitches inside tracks
- slow pitch and glide fxs
- import from AT1, SKS, 129, WYZ and MOD
- export to binary or sources
- any freq from each psg
- subsongs
- new format called AKY allows replay from 7 to 12 scanlines for 3 channels with a much
better compression ratio than YM players
The code of this teaser is written by Targhan, font by Super Sylvestre.