Archives for the month August 2024 of Genesis8 Amstrad Page

New version of the Amstrad CPC assembler Orgams (GG beta 6)


Orgams is an assembler in ROM for Amstrad CPC, created by Madram, Drill and Hicks. A new version GG beta 6 is available (5th August 2024).

The documentation in french and english is available on Orgams' wiki.

CPCESP, an Amstrad CPC emulator for ilygo's TTGo VGA32 and Olimex's ESP32-SBC-FabGL boards


ESPectrum is a ZX Spectrum emulator for the boards Ilygo TTGo VGA32 and Olimex ESP32-SBC-FabGL. There is now since a few an Amstrad CPC emulator named CPCESP, with a 3D printed packaging by Jose Lopez (other photos). The first software version of CPCESP was released the 7th July 2024 on Github. You can find CPCESP on :

Marion et les crocodiles d'Amstrad : L'histoire d'Amstrad France, a french book by David Hecq


Gunhed TV (David Hecq) is a known french youtubber with some videos on Amstrad CPC.

But it's also the author of the book Marion et les crocodiles d'Amstrad : L'histoire d'Amstrad France recommended by Roudoudou on his Discord. I just received it and I will read it at the end of the week.

Youtube video

Xcpc v0.52.0, an Amstrad CPC emulator for Linux, BSD and Unix by Olivier Poncet (and AYM JS)


Olivier Poncet is the author of an Amstrad CPC emulator : Xcpc v0.52.0 for Linux, BSD and Unix. It doesn't emulate the + models though.

He is talking about how to write an emulator on his web site.

And also quite interesting, he has released last month AYM JS which is a sound chip emulator written in JavaScript emulating the AY-3-8910 PSG (Programmable Sound Generator) and the YM2149 SSG (Software-Controlled Sound Generator). You can test AYM JS here (press the Power button and the Play button). At the moment YM files must be converted to javascript (but the conversion tool isn't available yet), but direct support of YM files is on the way.

Windows remakes of Amstrad CPC games by Alaiing


Alaiing présent on Itch.IO, Twitch and Twitter/X is the author of windows remakes of the following Amstrad CPC games using the MonoGame framework, and of games on other platforms) : Bomb Jack (three first levels), Arkanoid (three first levels) and Airwolf (first level).

Star Cadre : Combat Class by Cyningstan Retro for PC and CGA card


Star Cadre : Combat Class by Cyningstan Retro (on Twitter) is a game for msdos with CGA card. If you liked Rebelstar 1 and 2 on Amstrad CPC which is a part of the inspiration, then you will like Star Cadre. More informations on the developpment of Star Cadre : Combat Class on the web site.

No dosbox, PCEM or PC XT ? It's not a problem, you can play to Star Cadre : Combat Class by Cyningstan Retro in your internet navigator.

There are also other games on Cyningstan Retro web sites, including two C libraries used for the programming of these games : CGALIB and .

Youtube video

Tribus, a new spanish game by Epic Adventures


Tribus by Epic Adventures is a new adventure/RPG game written with the DAAD adventure engine. Even if it's a text adventure at start, emphasis is done on the RPG part so less text to read than in an usual adventure game. This game has an open world to discover, several NPC to talk to and missions to do, a lot of enemies with weakness which you must discover, a combat system with statistics and weapons, an adult story. It is recommended to read the documentation which explains the working of the RPG to face the dangers of your mission. The game is free, but if you want to support their authors, you can buy for 2 dollars the thank you pack which includes several elements.

New version of the ACE-DL emulator by Roudoudou yesterday (2024 Summer Fixes)


New version yesterday by Roudoudou of his ACE-DL Amstrad CPC emulator.

After downloading the emulator, you can also get a SymbOS disk image or OPL3 music to be used with the Willy OPL3 plugin.

SDCC v4.4.0 (C programming for Amstrad CPC) on PC and MacOS


A new version of the ANSI-C compiler SDCC v4.4.0 is available since the 29th January 2024 for windows, linux and MacOS.

Minesweeper v1.03, an Amstrad CPC reflexion game by Under4Mhz


Minesweeeper by Under4Mhz is a reflexion game for Amstrad CPC released in January 2024. It's a remake of the classic game for windows.

Fitzroy Feels the Heat v1.5 by Awergh, an Amstrad CPC game (April 2024)


Fitzroy Feels the Heat by Awergh is an action and reflexion Amstrad CPC game for the CPCRetroDev 2023 contest. It has been updated to v1.5 in April 2024.

You can download Fitzroy Feels the Heat on its page.

3D print and Amstrad CPC programs by Manuel3D


Manuel3D is the author of 3 Amstrad CPC programs, two utilities : New font for Amstrad CPC and Draw a star, and also a game : the hangman.

On his Youtube channel, his latest video is one about a case for an Amstrad CPC 464, but I dont know if he is the author of the 3D model.

Youtube video

Tenebra by Haplo for msdos and 80286


Tenebrae by Haplo has been ported to msdos with a 80286 and more. It's an excellent reflexion/puzzle game. You are moving in a roguelike environment with an important twist : you can only do it a lighted zone... It also exists for other computers including Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum, Commodore.

Newspapers CPC Anachronie and Fanzine GX by Oncle Ced (and still more)


Elégance Editions by Oncle Ced is the place to order the newspapers Fanzine GX (issues 1 to 3) and CPC Anachronie (issue 1, the second is W.I.P which will also be about other 8bit machines). But you will also find stickers in french, english and german for Amstrad CPC 6128 to put on the disk drive, packs of 10 labels for 3 inch disks, a poster for CPC Anachronie 1, cartridges of Burnin'Rubber.

mTCP NetDrive (16th August 2024) by Michael B. Brutman


New version (16th August 2024) of mTCP NetDrive, an utility by Michael B. Brutman which lets you connect under ms-dos a network drive which is in fact an image disk hosted on a windows or linux server (disk drive or hard disk image) for only 6 Kb of RAM (adds the RAM for the packet driver though).

A nice utility to use with the PicoMem card by FreddyV.

New version of the Amstrad CPC assembler Orgams (GG beta 7)


Orgams is an assembler in ROM for Amstrad CPC, created by Madram, Drill and Hicks. A new version GG beta 7 is available (18th August 2024).

The documentation in french and english is available on Orgams' wiki.

New Amstrad CPC game by Inufoto : Osotos


Inufuto is a japanese author of many video games, each times programmed for several platforms including the Amstrad CPC. His last game is a mix of Pengo and Load Runner : Osotos. You will find here the Youtube channel of Inufuto.

Youtube video

RASM v2.2.6 by Roudoudou, a multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC, integrated with ACE-DL


The last version of multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC RASM (v2.2.6) was released yesterday on Github.

This multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC (for linux, windows, and also for MorphOS on Amiga) let you program for Amstrad CPC. It's recommended to use it with the new emulator also by Roudoudou : ACE-DL released today, to get symbols and breakpoints importation and much more.

Just Get 9 patch 3, a reflexion game for Amstrad CPC by cpcitor and the other days


Just Get 9 is a tile-based puzzle game for the Amstrad CPC. If you like 2048, tetris, coloris, color flood, you’ll like it. It is written by cpcitor (code) and The Other Days (music).

You can download Just get 9 on Itch.IO to get this latest version of this excellent game (patch 3), it brings :

  • More status display
  • More varied music
  • Lots of subtle improvements for even better experience
  • Improvements specific to playing on real CPCs

For more news, Go to home page