News about Amstrad CPC, PCW, Notepad NC100 NC150 NC200, PDA600 and also Amstrad PC

A new Amstrad CPC music disk by SuTeKH (Epyteor) : Boulder Dash


Boulder Dash by SuTeKH (Epyteor) is a new Amstrad CPC music disk. Other music disks by SuTeKH :

  • Now That's What I Call Chip Tunes 1 (2011)
  • Now That's What I Call Chip Tunes 2 - Preview (2011)
  • Some More CHIPTUNES (2012)
  • This Musicdisk Is About 20% Cooler (2012)

loading screen of the Amstrad CPC music disk Boulder Dash

Celebrating the 30 Years of the Amstrad CPC 464 by Xyphoe on Youtube (and guests)


In this special hour long video Xyphoe celebrates the 30 years Of the Amstrad CPC 464 (released to the public on the 21st June 1984). You will find everything you ever needed to know about the Amstrad CPC 464 !

From its development history, success and sales, (most importantly) gaming and to it's lasting legacy! With some additional help, insight and reminiscing from special guests and friends of Xyphoe where they remember their first memories of the machine, how successful it was in comparison to it's competitors, most memorable and favourite games and finally their lasting impression of this plucky underdog !

Youtube video

Gauntlet invade the darkness, a reboot of gauntlet by Arrowhead


Gauntlet by Arrowhead is a reboot of the 1st gauntlet, available in 1985 on Amstrad CPC. Online gaming up to 4 players will be available, with the warrior, valkyrie, elf and wizard.

It will be available the 3rd september 2014.

Youtube video

Three Amstrad CPC intros by gOblinish (Dmitry Krapivin)


Optimus introduced Amstrad CPC to gOblinish (Dmitry Krapivin).

So gOblinish released 3 intros in 1 month :

Youtube video

Two Amstrad CPC+ clones of Flappy Bird : Flappy Rulez v2 (Hermol) and Flappy UFO (Optimus)


Hermol has a new version out of Flappy Rulez for Amstrad CPC+.

Optimus (Dirty Minds) also released a clone of Flappy Bird : Flappy UFO. See the Yoututbe video below.

Youtube video

Athanor, a new Amstrad CPC (and Oric) graphical adventure game


cover of Athanor, an Amstrad CPC graphical adventure game

Athanor is a new Amstrad CPC (and Oric !) graphical adventure game in french (english incoming) by Eric Safar.

It has vectoriels graphics with an extended package (see below). Beware, the included sealed envelope must not be opened before the program tell you so (hint inside).

package of the adventure game Athanor

You can buy Athanor for 20 € (postage included for france though) with 3 or 3,5 inch disk. A .DSK will be available for free later.

English and german translations are done but must be corrected. A C64 version is being done.

An interview of Eric SAFAR is available on Ordiretro.

écran du jeu d'aventure graphique Athanor  écran du jeu d'aventure graphique Athanor  écran du jeu d'aventure graphique Athanor

Welcome to Amsoft : the Amstrad CPC 464 Welcome Demonstration Cassette


If you are the proud owner of an Amstrad CPC 464, you have already seend the Amstrad CPC 464 Welcome Demonstration Cassette. Otherwise, it's time to see the extraordinary features of a computer which is only 30 years old.

The programs of this tape have been programmed by Roland Perry, concepteur de l'Amstrad CPC et du GX4000.

Youtube video

Amstrad Générations is testing Ikari Warriors and Jet Set Willy


Two generations (David 40 years old and Ornella 11 years old) are testing several Amstrad CPC games on Youtube :

Youtube video