News about Amstrad CPC, PCW, Notepad NC100 NC150 NC200, PDA600 and also Amstrad PC

CPCGamesCD updated by MiguelSky (December 2007)


CPCGamesCD is a live CD with emulators and the Amstrad games collection of NVG by MiguelSky. It has been updated :

  • Frontend CPC Loader v2.0 beta by TroelsK and a lot of new features
  • NVG games update 06/11/2007
  • Snap-Pack with ALL the captures (3.491)
  • New version of CPCE (1.85) and WinApe (2.0a15) emulators
  • Improved categorization
  • Apps (utils/cpc) and Cartridg folders of NVG are now included

New update for PSPCAP32, an Amstrad CPC emulator for Sony PSP by ZX-81


PSPCAP32 par ZX-81 has again been updated, with now support for the green screen of the Amstrad CPC.

Blassic, an Amstrad CPC basic interpreter for windows, linux and Yopy PDA


Blassic is a basic language interpreter for windows, linux and Yopy PDA. It can interpret Amstrad CPC basic, I didnt try it though.

CPCE v1.85, an Amstrad CPC emulator for windows


CPCE v1.85 fixes a serious bug in the Symbiface 2 IDE (reported by Jarek Adamski), allows disabling the tape speedup if CPCE does it wrong (for example with "Balloonacy") and the Win32 version is a bit smarter now to handle ZIP archives.

Conversion from C64 of Balloonay on Amstrad CPC by Kevin Thacker


Kevin Thacker has made a conversion of Balloonacy, a C64 game. The complet game will be sold by Cronosoft . You can donwload a démo of the game for tape and disk.