Archives of Genesis8 Amstrad Page from 1999 to 2024 about games, page 55 / 69

Gauntlet invade the darkness, a reboot of gauntlet by Arrowhead


Gauntlet by Arrowhead is a reboot of the 1st gauntlet, available in 1985 on Amstrad CPC. Online gaming up to 4 players will be available, with the warrior, valkyrie, elf and wizard.

It will be available the 3rd september 2014.

Two Amstrad CPC+ clones of Flappy Bird : Flappy Rulez v2 (Hermol) and Flappy UFO (Optimus)


Hermol has a new version out of Flappy Rulez for Amstrad CPC+.

Optimus (Dirty Minds) also released a clone of Flappy Bird : Flappy UFO. See the Yoututbe video below.

Athanor, a new Amstrad CPC (and Oric) graphical adventure game


cover of Athanor, an Amstrad CPC graphical adventure game

Athanor is a new Amstrad CPC (and Oric !) graphical adventure game in french (english incoming) by Eric Safar.

It has vectoriels graphics with an extended package (see below). Beware, the included sealed envelope must not be opened before the program tell you so (hint inside).

package of the adventure game Athanor

You can buy Athanor for 20 € (postage included for france though) with 3 or 3,5 inch disk. A .DSK will be available for free later.

English and german translations are done but must be corrected. A C64 version is being done.

An interview of Eric SAFAR is available on Ordiretro.

écran du jeu d'aventure graphique Athanor  écran du jeu d'aventure graphique Athanor  écran du jeu d'aventure graphique Athanor

Amstrad Générations is testing Ikari Warriors and Jet Set Willy


Two generations (David 40 years old and Ornella 11 years old) are testing several Amstrad CPC games on Youtube :

CPC Game Reviews's update and a new Amstrad CPC reflexion game : Kamyzol


There is an update on CPC Game Reviews talking about the last Crackers Velus program, a reflexion game (taquin like) called Kamyzol.

The goal of the game is to move the red piece toward the exit by moving all others pieces with a twist, they can be moved only horizontally or vertically.

loading screen of the Amstrad CPC reflexion game : Kamyzol menu screen of the Amstrad CPC reflexion game : Kamyzol game screenshot of the Amstrad CPC reflexion game : Kamyzol

Recent Amstrad CPC videos on Youtube by CholoCPC, Xyphoe and Metr81


Everything looks better in scanlines


Today with the LCD screens, the Amstrad CPC emulators don't display the same result than with a real Amstrad CPC and a Cathodic Ray Tub (CRT) television.

So Alex76gr has created a collection of 75 loading screens pictures of Amstrad CPC games with a scanline effect (1536x1080 resolution).

However adding scanlines isnt enough to looks like a CRT television set.

Winape and Caprice32 are 2 Amstrad CPC emulators which can provide a CRT rendering.

Pac-Man v1.1 (emulator of the orignal arcade game) on Amstrad CPC by Syx and TotO


Two years ago Syx et TotO released an emulation of the original arcade ROM of Pac Man.

Today it's a new version of Pac-Man for Amstrad CPC with a speed bump, to let you play this classic game with more pleasure.

You will need 128 Kb and to import the original arcade roms inside the .DSK with an utility.

This Pac-Man emulator for Amstrad CPC is based on the work by Simon Owen for Sam Coupe and ZX Spectrum.

loading screen of the Pac-Man Arcade game on an Amstrad CPC

Life of Pixel, a windows platform game, but multi platform inside...


Life of Pixel is an original windows platform game as it lets you play in worlds of retro computers : ZX81, ZX Spectrum, C64, Amstrad CPC of course and many more.

Humble Bundle : Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams pour windows


You have still 3 days to be able to buy Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams on Humble Bundle (weekly). Nine dollars will be enough to get it, and money goes to charities.

Nice music by the way.

HD Gameplay by Metr81 of the Amstrad CPC game La Guerra de Gamber


Here is a HD video by Metr81 of the Amstrad CPC game La Guerra de Gamber by ESP Soft released on the 30th January 2014 for the 30th anniversary of the Amstrad CPC.

It's a robocop/green beret like game with a horizontal scrolling with 3 levels, and a bonus level like the Prohibition game between each level.

You can download La Guerra de Gamber on Amstrad.ESP.

The principal musical theme was written by McKlain and can be heard on SoundCloud.

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