iMPdraw v2 by AST/Imp4ct is released
-The draw utility by AST/Imp4act Impdraw v2 is out since the 8th November, coming also with the release of iMPdos 512 (a FAT16 ROM for your xMass, M4 or Symbiface 3, it doesnt need Amsdos so an CPC 464 can use it). Click on the source link below for download (at the end of the first message).
La précédente version (v1.2) date d'avril 2016, les améliorations sont les suivantes :
- a huge zoom zone
- using he 4096 palette of the Amstrad Plus
- fullscreen support for the 3 graphical modes of the CPC (0, 1 et 2)
- possibility of creating plugins with OrgAms or any other assembler
- adds Undo/Redo
- 100% compatible xMass with iMPdos, M4 wifi board and Symbiface 3 (thanks to @Kris for testing it)
- in case of basic return or reset, you can get back your file
- an included utility to create frames
- Load/Save .win
- Load .scr 17 kb files
- integrated help
Beware, Impdraw uses more than 128 Kb, if you use WinApe please choose 4 Mb of RAM. Also a new version will be out in a few days
Youtube video