May 2007 archives

05/07/2007 - 18:31 - Genesis8 Frontier 1337

Elite was one of the best Amstrad CPC games, and Elite II on PC was a good game too. Frontier 1337 is a port for Sony PSP of Elite II, which I couldnt try at the moment though.

05/05/2007 - 16:10 - Genesis8 Groops

Groops is an Amstrad CPC reflexion game by Binaries Sciences, and a nice one. A new version without non important bugs will be out soon.

05/05/2007 - 13:50 - Genesis8 SymStudio for SymbOS

SymStudio is the development tool for SymbOS, with bugs corrections and some new features (graphic). The web site has a lot of informations and guides. about SymStudio.

05/05/2007 - 13:46 - Genesis8 SymZilla for SymbOS

SymZilla is a browser for SymbOS, it let you read HTML files. Beware it needs 192 Ko of memory, so on a CPC you need a RAM extension.

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